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Black Friday Shopping Checklist!
Black Friday Shopping Checklist!
Its nearly November, which means that the biggest online shopping event of the year is just around the corner! Black Friday will take place on Friday 26th November 2021 this year! Are you ready?! We have prepared the following guide to help you...
EshopWedrop Guide to Autumn Shopping
EshopWedrop Guide to Autumn Shopping
The days are getting colder, and the nights are getting darker. This can only mean one thing; autumn is upon us and winter is right around the corner! With this comes an abrupt change to shopping habits; customers are on the lookout for winter wardrobes...
Parcel delivery from Germany to the USA
Parcel delivery from Germany to the USA
Shoutout to all the Germans calling the US home! Willkommen! Did you know you can now enjoy all your favourite products from Germany while in the US without having to spend a fortune! EshopWedrop helps to deliver all of your parcels from online...
Why Identity Verification matters to us!
Why Identity Verification matters to us!
During the last year we have seen a huge increase in online sales, as the pandemic drove more and more people to take their shopping needs digital. As circumstances have kept us home, the demand for safer online shopping and delivery has...
The Essential Guide to Back-to-School Shopping
The Essential Guide to Back-to-School Shopping
The summer holidays are here, but before long the kids will be back to school. Take this time to stock up on all of the necessary school supplies while they are still enjoying low prices. Find essentials like school uniforms, stationary, bags, shoes, and...
Important Notice! New Poland Shopping & Delivery Address
Important Notice! New Poland Shopping & Delivery Address
We would like to bring you news of an abrupt change to our Polish warehouse address ahead of its introduction on the 1st of July 2021. Extreme circumstances have made it necessary for our Poland team to move locations, though the proximity of the new...
Make the most of these Summer Deals!
Make the most of these Summer Deals!
It’s getting warmer!  This means we can get outside and spend more free time with the people who matter the most! A summer vacation abroad may not be possible for all of us this year, however it doesn’t mean we can’t make the most...
The Best Outdoor Buys This May!
The Best Outdoor Buys This May!
Brighter and warmer days are upon us and with them we welcome the extra time we can spend outside with our friends and family. Al fresco dining, gardening, games and sports; just some of the few activities we all look forward to around this time of...
EshopWedrop: Easter Giveaway!
EshopWedrop: Easter Giveaway!
Spring is upon us, and with it comes one of our favorite holidays– Easter! Preparing for Easter can be exhausting! For this reason, we want to reward all your planning and shopping with something a little bit more exciting! For Easter, this...

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