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Important Information - New Poland Warehouse Address

Important Information - New Poland Warehouse Address

Did you know that you can shop from any online retailer in Poland and have your parcels delivered to the USA?

Allegro, Ceneo, Zalando and many more online shops are waiting for you to explore!

What’s even better? We have moved our Polish warehouse to a new address to make your shopping experience even better!

Visit your personal account today and receive your BRAND NEW EshopWedrop Polish delivery address that you can use when shopping online from Poland!

How does it work?

  • Shop from your favourite online retailers in Poland
  • On the retailers checkout page, use your BRAND NEW EshopWedrop Polish delivery address that can be found in your EshopWedrop account today
  • EshopWedrop will take care of the rest so you can have your parcels delivered to you in the USA!

Visit your personal account and receive your EshopWedrop Polish Delivery address today!

Happy Shopping
EshopWedrop Team

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