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Preventive Actions COVID-19

We have spent the last 2 months learning more than we ever imagined about this unique coronavirus outbreak, officially known as COVID-19. We have been monitoring the rapid spread of this virus and the resulting sudden impact it is now having on the global economy. Our positive thoughts and vibes go out to all those who have already been affected by this crisis, and we hope that all of our customers and partners and all of their families, friends and colleagues stay as safe as they possibly can during this challenging period.

EshopWedrop and its family of companies began planning for an approach to this situation several weeks ago. Our plan and actions are focused on the health and well-being of our employees, customers, vendors, partners, and our communities. We have now begun implementing the first steps of the plan which includes having our employees work remotely as much as possible in order to reduce the risk of human-to-human transmission of this virus in our workplaces around the globe.

We are very flexible as an organization and we are well prepared for this type of situation. As we shift to this remote working employee model, we do not expect there to be any changes to the service and to the support that we provide you with.

We strongly recommend to use door deliveries as a preferred and reliable last mile delivery option. Whilst the Flagship and Click & Collect options are still available, given future developments of the pandemic we might have to limit their usage in the future.

Regarding Origin Countries and the transport from each of them, it is likely that we will see delays given the extensive checks and controls in the Origin Countries as well as at the cross-border points. Italy is of particular concern now and we can already see delays from Italy, but we might see delays also for the transports from the other Origin Countries in the future. It is important to underline here that about 75% of the pan-European transport is made of road transport and this is vital for EU and highly likely to continue while the transports ban will continue to be applied only for passengers.

We are also going to stop, for a period of 30 days, accepting cash on delivery (COD) as a payment method for orders placed by our customers beginning week of 17th March.

You, our valuable customer, seem to have already identified online shopping as a safer way to shop compared to the traditional way of shopping. As usual, cross-border online shopping provides the opportunity to access wider markets and a diversified products portfolio often at better prices than the domestic ones. This is exactly what we all need during this period with prices and supply of goods domestically often being affected by excessive demand and distressed supply chains. We can see the number of parcels in our network continuing to grow strongly during this period and we are doing our utmost to serve you and keep on delivering the increasing number of parcels with the products needed during this period.

Please take 90 seconds to watch this useful short video regarding COVID-19 prevention measures recommended by The World Health Organization: 

We will keep you updated on the latest news including any delays or interruption of service from our portfolio of carriers and vendors around the world. In addition, we will share the latest information on the many safety precautions we and our carriers are taking to keep drivers, vehicles, employees, warehouse facilities and parcels safe for you. Please regularly check the dashboard section in your EshopWedrop account as well as our social media accounts for the latest updates.

If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Support teams as per the local contact details on our local websites dedicated to each EshopWedrop country.  Above all else, please stay safe and take care of yourself, your family and your friends.

Yours Faithfully,

Mircea Bandean
Managing Director
EshopWedrop Group

Please find the latest operational update here.

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