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Public Holidays and Winter Holidays Delivery Schedule

Eager and excited to shop from abroad this festive season?
There is still plenty of time left for you to keep an eye out for Season’s deals running online.
However, we do kindly ask that you note that there will be less frequent transports and working hours during the festive period.

In order to avoid any disappointment when it comes to parcel delivery, we highly recommend that you take a look at our Winter Holidays operating hours & transport schedule below:

NYC (JFK) Flagship Schedule
Thursday, December 24th: Open 8 AM – 1 PM
Friday, December 25th to Sunday, December 27th: Closed
Monday, December 28th to Wednesday, December 30th: Open  8 AM – 5 PM
Thursday, December 31st to Tuesday, January 5th: Closed
Beginning with Wednesday, January 6th: Open as normal, 8 AM – 5 PM

Winter Holidays Transport Schedule*
Last departure 2020: December 23rd
First departure 2021: January 8th

Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania & Bulgaria
Last departure 2020: December 18th
First departure 2021: January 8th

Last departure 2020: December 16th
First departure 2021: January 4th

*This schedule includes the estimated departures dates, however, due to high volumes, extended pandemic situation plus the possible adverse winter weather conditions we cannot guarantee to you that your parcels will arrive at our Destination Warehouse before Christmas or before the New Year.

Happy Holidays!
EshopWedrop Team

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